These untitled and “anonymous” zines present 8 Polaroids with effects, text, and details drawn over the original material photographic images prior to being scanned digitally. The figure in each Polaroid is me, but I am skewed by the drawings to take on a different persona in different contexts in each image. There is no title or author to the zine in order to amplify the non-person who is the subject.
A Polaroid is generally considered an unaltered instant fact, but this zine is a tongue-in-cheek challenge to that assumption by presenting Polaroids that have been altered by hand on the material original objects (3.5” x 4.25”), prior to being digitally replicated.
Exhibited in the Ultra Space Symposium at the Center for Collaborative Arts and Media at Yale University (New Haven, CT), Apr 2023.
Storyfile (2016 - 2018)
Managing Editor (Issues 2 & 3) | 100 spiral-bound copies per issue
A biannual journal of art & literature.
Issue 1 (Summer 2016) debuted at New York Art Book Fair, launched at Sunview Luncheonette (Brooklyn, NY).
Issue 2 (Winter 2017) debuted at Los Angeles Art Book Fair, launched at Sunview Luncheonette.
Issue 3 (Fall 2017) launched at Sunview Luncheonette.
Issues 1 & 2 invited to contribute to closing night of the 2017 group show Published by the Artist at IPCNY. Curated by artists Angela Conant and Grayson Cox.
Images 1-3 by Nicholas Alguire (Founder, Designer, and Co-Editor of Storyfile).